Outsourcing your Company Secretary role

Outsource the requirement to have a Company Secretary to a professional so you can be confident that your company's compliance is taken care of.

Our Company Secretary Services:

Named Company Secretary For €249+VAT/annually

This is our standard service. We act as your Company Secretary in name only. This means we sign as the second signatory on company documentation. In addition, we will also maintain your Annual Return deadline so you don’t have to worry. This means that we will prepare and file your form B1 with the Companies Registration Office.

This service does not include any general filings changes or submissions or any Company Secretarial guidance. Therefore, you can purchase our once-off services if you need any additional work carried out.

Company Secretarial Maintenance For €399+VAT/annually

This is our comprehensive service. We will look after all the important filing changes and submissions to the Companies Registration Office.

Kinore will file your Annual Returns and look after all general Company Secretarial matters. For example, we’ll take care of any changes in Directors, registered address, shareholders, share capital. We’ll maintain and update the Seven Statutory Registers and provide minutes of meetings if required (check out our What is an AGM? post as well). You’ll have ongoing Company Secretarial advice, which is crucial for any business.

This service includes up to 300 minutes of professional Company Secretary support per year. You can purchase more hours if you require additional work beyond 300 minutes per year for €99+VAT per hour.

Other Company Secretarial services:

We also offer other Company Secretarial Services that are not included within the Company Secretarial services above.

These services are purchased separately.

Company Formation service for €249+VAT/once-off fee

Set up a company in Ireland with the help of our Company Formation Service. We will take care of all the paperwork required to get your company started!

Our Irish Company Formation service includes dedicated company support from our Company Team, Certificate of Incorporation, Company Constitution, Share Certificates, Company Registration Office Fees, and Secure Digital Company Register.

Virtual Office for €249+VAT/annually

Our Virtual Office service includes use of our Dublin 3 address as your company’s registered office and business correspondence address.

We make sure your company’s mail is digitally forwarded to you on the same day it is received.

Use our address on your website, invoices, and bank statements.

This is not a trading address so we will take care of your company’s correspondence only.

Company Seal for €59+VAT/once-off fee

Every Limited Company is legally required to have a company seal.

It has your company name engraved on it in legible characters and used to manually seal certain legal documents and contracts, such as share transfers and certificates.

You’ll need this as soon as your company is set up and you have a company number.

What does a Company Secretary do?

Company Secretaries look after the paperwork involved with making company changes, such as changing your home address or adding new Directors. Company Secretaries are also trusted to maintain your company’s Annual Return Deadline (ARD) which is very important for all companies in Ireland.

A Company Secretary also acts as the second signatory on your company documentation. So, for example, if you need to open a bank account in Ireland, your Company Secretary also needs to sign the application form. They also co-sign your Annual Return which must be submitted to the Companies Registration Office (CRO).

The duties and responsibilities of a Company Secretary can seem quite daunting at first. Especially if the person you appointed doesn’t have expertise in Irish company law or the CRO. But don’t worry, it is a simple process (file a form B10) to change your Company Secretary and we can take care of this for you in our Company Secretarial Services.

You may find it difficult to manage a compliant company without the help of a professional Company Secretary, so get in touch today to learn more.

Why do I need a Company Secretary?

You need to have a Company Secretary if you are setting up an Irish Limited Company. It is a legal obligation to fulfill this role throughout the life of a company in Ireland. If you don’t know anyone who can be your Company Secretary, you can outsource to a professional Company Secretarial Service.

The role of the Company Secretary is to ensure that your company complies with all the relevant laws and regulations in Ireland. They act as the second signatory on most company documentation and take care of important paperwork such as the Annual Return.

Need more understanding of what a Company Secretary does? Read our guide on the Duties, Roles, and Responsibilities Of Your Company Secretary.

If you are thinking about setting up a Limited Company and you need a professional Company Secretary, get in touch with our expert Client Services Team. We are always happy to talk you through our services so you can set up correctly.

Who can be a Company Secretary?

Anyone over the age of 18 can be a Company Secretary. But it is an important role and they are responsible for looking after important aspects of the company.

In the course of running your business, you can easily miss deadlines and reporting requirements. Directors often appoint a specialist firm to ensure that the filing requirements and duties are met.

For example, if a Director changes their home address, it is the Company Secretaries’ duty to inform the Companies Registration Office (CRO) of this change. They do this by preparing, signing, and submitting a form B2 to the CRO.

Using a Company Secretarial service brings peace of mind that your compliance obligations are looked after by a team of experienced professionals.

Our Company Team will help you avoid penalties

We have a team of trained professionals that work to make sure your company remains compliant with the CRO.

For example, failure to file your Annual Returns (Form B1) on time will incur fines and may also lead to your company accounts getting audited for 2 years. This is both costly and easy to avoid.

The Annual Return requires two signatures (Director and Company Secretary) and needs to be submitted to the CRO at the same time as your company’s financial statement for that year. So this means your Company Secretary works closely with your accountant as they both work to ensure your company complies with Company Law.

There are also more serious penalties for breaching your Company Law obligations, including prosecution by the Director of Corporate Enforcement (ODCE).

Our team of Chartered and Certified professionals includes ICSA Chartered Secretaries. We have the skills and experience to keep you compliant and make sure you don’t miss these important deadlines!

Outsource the stress of meeting your compliance obligations

If you are setting up a company, you are probably a specialist in your own field but lack the time and expertise to take care of compliance issues. We specialise in helping new business startups and have helped hundreds of companies through the process.

We will help you with your compliance obligations, so you have more time to manage and grow your business.

Benefits of using our Company Secretarial service

  • You can be confident that your company will meet its corporate obligations, such as minutes of meetings and keeping an update company register.
  • We will help you avoid penalities from the Companies Registration Office by keeping track of your Annual Return deadline.
  • There are no surprises in what you need to pay us. We have fixed fees for our Company Secretarial service.

- You don't have to rely on one person to act as your Company Secretary. We have a team of professionals that can help you.

  • We offer you the freedom to focus on growing your business by taking care of your company's compliance.
  • Make up to 300 minutes worth of post-registration changes to your company with the CRO per year.