What’s Included?

Live Startup Masterclass Webinar: How To Take On Employees

Live Startup Masterclass Webinar: How To Take On Employees

Free for clients of Kinore. As your Startup grows so will your workforce. But what do you need to know before you take on employees?

29 (+VAT)


Free for clients of Kinore.

How do I join this event?

Our Live Startup Masterclass Webinar series is designed for early-stage Limited Companies who are looking for tips on how to run their company in the most tax-efficient way possible.

This masterclass will explain what you need to know about employing people in your business: what taxes are involved, running a payroll and how you can keep up with the new PAYE Modernisation payroll system

What you will learn:

  1. If I am a company Director, what are my options to pay myself?
  2. How can I pay myself a salary?
  3. How often can I pay myself a salary?
  4. As a Director, can I contribute to pension arrangements?
  5. Can I receive a salary If I am a non-resident Director?
  6. What are dividends?
  7. If I take a dividend, will I be taxed?
  8. Salary or dividends?

What’s next?

After you purchase you will be immediately sent instructions on how to register for the live webinar. After registration, you simply mark the date down on your calendar and join us on the day!

Shipping Info
