During a Xero conversion, one of the most important factors we consider is the software you are currently using and looking to migrate from.  

While all online accounting software has similarities, there are key differences that impact how we move your accounting data from your source software to Xero. In this guide, we’ll look at the conversion process for various accounting software to Xero, explain how to convert, when is the best time to convert and provide examples of client cases migrating to Xero from another software.

We’ll look at the following conversions:

Xero Conversion & Training
Move your old bookkeeping systems to Xero software with the help of experts.
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Xero Conversion from Sage

Xero and Sage have similar functionalities, meaning users generally have a seamless transition when using Xero for the first time.  

You can give us access to your system and we can take care of the entire conversion process. When moving from Sage, we have a wealth of experience in completing the conversion. We will provide an extensive list of the important information to extract as well as the process of formatting and collating the information so you are aware of the steps involved.

During Xero conversion from Sage, we work collaboratively and provide you with copies of templates and reports before we import – this ensures we meet your expectations. Following the conversion, we will provide you with a reconciliation confirming that both systems are aligned.  

Xero Conversion from Surf

When moving from Surf to Xero, we find clients need support in extracting the correct information in the correct formats so let us take care of the entire process for an easy and seamless transition.

There are a number of features available in Xero that are not provided in Surf Accounts so we can also provide training to ensure you use Xero to its full capacity for your business.

Our professional team and Xero Certified Advisors can complete an initial Xero setup checklist and then have a follow-up consultation to discuss the additional features and the best format for us to set these features up. This ensures a smooth transition and a streamlined approach to managing your business’ finances.

Xero Conversion from AccountsIQ

When moving to Xero from AccountsIQ, there is often significantly more data compared to moving from other systems. As such, we recommend providing us with access to your system so we can access the relevant information, such as your products and services listing, your contacts, and your chart of accounts. 

One of the benefits of AccountsIQ is its stock management system, a tool we can replicate in Xero, ensuring you continue to have access to up-to-date stock balances and pricing information.  

Our team of highly skilled bookkeepers will ensure that the data is accurately migrated and because Accounts IQ and Xero are very different packages, we also recommend providing Xero training to ensure you and your team are comfortable using the system following the conversion.  

Xero Conversion from Quickbooks

When moving from Quickbooks to Xero, we often need to collate multiple reports to create templates for Xero imports. However, this is a process we are very familiar with.

Xero and Quickbooks have similar functionalities but look very different. This means that users generally require some training following this Xero conversion. 

We are happy to take care of the entire process of extracting information from Quickbooks, if required. During Xero conversions from Quickbooks, we work collaboratively, and will provide you with copies of templates and reports for sign off before we import. Following the conversion, we will provide you with a reconciliation confirming that both systems are aligned. 

Xero Conversion from Freeagent

We find there are significant differences between Xero and Freeagent, which can cause some pain points during conversion, particularly from a VAT perspective.  

We find that the best approach when moving from Freeagent to Xero is to work from both the source software and any supporting documentation you can provide, such as invoices and receipts. This will allow us to ensure that items, such as VAT, are reconciled and correct based on returns filed with Revenue.  

Xero Conversion from Kashflow

Xero and Kashflow are online accounting systems that operate very differently. When a client wants to move to Xero from Kashflow, we recommend Xero training as well as a collaborative approach the conversion process.  

When converting, there can often be additional information required compared to other systems. Based on this, we find it is best for clients to give our team access to their system in order for us to access the necessary reports. Given the functionality in Kashflow, it is important to move across products and services listings and ensure these are formatted and set up correctly in Xero. 

How to convert to Xero


Export the data

Identify what data you want to transfer to Xero. Generally, we help to migrate your customer and supplier details, your products and services, and chart of accounts.

Prepare the data for Xero

Xero has requirements on the data you wish to import. This may involve making changes, such as renaming or reformatting columns, to match Xero's data structure.

Import the data to Xero

Once the data is prepared correctly, it can be imported to Xero and then it should be reconciled to ensure all transactions have been transferred accurately.

When to convert to Xero

There is no right or wrong time to move to Xero. For some companies, it makes sense to wait until the beginning of a new fiscal year to convert to Xero. In other scenarios, the pain points and need to move will be great enough that a company cannot afford to wait until their year-end.  

Below, we have some case studies of clients we have moved at different points in their fiscal year and the considerations we needed to make to ensure the move was seamless.  

Xero Conversion & Training
Move your old bookkeeping systems to Xero software with the help of experts.
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Example 1

An online advertising specialist was unhappy with their current software. Their particular issues were around the reporting functions available and the lack of ability to add different users with different access rights. They were 11 months into their financial year when they decided to switch to Xero.  

During the Xero conversion, our in-house team of Xero Certified Advisors brought current-year transactions and historical financial information into Xero.  

During one of the consultations, we recognised that the company needed to show future projected growth following successful investment into the company. This led us to create a number of custom reports for the client to use when presenting to investors and reporting to directors.  

Example 2

A large estate agent in Dublin had out-of-date existing systems that were time-consuming and manual. Before moving to Xero, the internal finance team was spending 1.5 days exporting and collating data. As a result, delays were created, from delays in their month-end processing to delays in invoicing clients.

We had an initial consultation to learn about their needs and we learned that the best solution was to set up three Xero accounts: one for each of their management companies, all with individual structures.

Successful Xero conversion for this client meant that they were able to make comparisons across the three companies using standard and custom reports and we also set up automatic invoicing, saving considerable time for the internal finance team.  

Example 3

A large environmental consultant needed to streamline their operations as they were undergoing an internal LEAN programme. The LEAN programme highlighted a lack of efficiency in their financial reporting and invoicing, particularly around their use and management of pro forma invoices.

Following a collaborative consultation, we began the conversion project at the start of their financial year. We learned that they wanted to move the historical balances for multiple years and all their financial records for the previous year into Xero.

Successful conversion for this client meant that they had multiple years’ worth of comparisons available in Xero, providing greater visibility on its financial history. We also provided staff training on Xero and completed 12 months of catch-up online bookkeeping services to ensure that the books were up-to-date and ready for accounts to be completed.

Following on from their initial Xero conversion, we continue to consult with this client on the best practices in Xero and we take care of their ongoing bookkeeping requirements. 

How we help can help: Streamline your business with Xero

By leveraging the benefits of Xero software and its powerful features, you’ll be able to save time, improve accuracy, and make better decisions for your business.

As experienced professionals, we ensure a smooth transition so you can optimise Xero and we help to personalise it to your needs. We offer a personalised, collaborative approach to Xero conversion and offer our expertise so you can get the most out of your software.

Start the transition by booking a call with our team to discuss how Xero can transform your business.

Xero Conversion & Training
Move your old bookkeeping systems to Xero software with the help of experts.
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